Mike Agnew//Software Developer

Growing Pains (05/26/22)

Posted By Mike Agnew

For the past two years in this pandemic I, like a lot of others I'm sure, picked up gardening as a hobby.

For me the journey was a bit different. I've technically been gardening my whole life. You see my parents are both seasoned horticulturalists. Very seasoned. With both of them holding PhDs in their fields. So needless to say, growing up, I worked in the garden a lot.

So if you've ever felt bad about messing up while gardening, don't. I come from some of the most skilled gardeners in the world, and I can easily say I constantly forget to water my plants.

I started out in 2020 by gardening on my then apartment's patio. It was miserable. I had to water by hand with a watering can, and I CONSTANTLY forgot and let them dry up, killing so many of my precious plants. Pretty much the only thing I consistently kept alive was lettuce. Which coincidentally was my most consumed vegetable that year.